Site icon Surreyfarms. A serene haven in the foothills of Northern California

Vegetables from the Garden

Last year was the first year we had a veggie patch.  And as novice vegetable gardeners we just went nuts buying a ton of seedlings, not realizing that those tiny seedlings grow into huge vegetable plants with tons and tons of vegetables!!  I had so many vegetables I was giving them away to friends to the point where one of my friends said she didn’t want any more!  It was loads of fun for all of us to go up the hill to check on our veggies, pick what was ready, and bring them down to cook or eat in a salad.  We even hosted a couple of veggie picking parties with our cousins.  Here are a bunch of pictures from our 2015-veggie harvest!

If you are wondering what we planted in 2015, and what did we have success with, here is a list of vegetables.

For sure, we planted tons of tomato plants and they gave us hundreds and hundreds of tomatoes!!

I planted 6 English cucumber seedlings and 6 Japanese cucumber seedlings and they gave me a boatload of cucumbers, and they were huge too!

I planted a 6 pack of cabbage seedlings that gave me 6 giant cabbages.

I planted a variety of peppers that didn’t do well but we got a small amount.



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