Site icon Surreyfarms. A serene haven in the foothills of Northern California

“Baby It’s Cold Outside.”

Happy Happy New 2018! It’s January and it’s cold outside 🌨☃️❄️!! I know when I complain to my siblings about how cold it is here in California in the Bay Area (in the 60s, 50s, 40s, and 30s), all of them shake their heads and roll their eyes🙄🙄🙄. Californians!  Is what my siblings are thinking and say to my FaceTime. They live in parts of the country where our cold temperatures are the equivalent to their “warm” winter temperatures.  One sister lives in Michigan where it gets below freezing often, another sister lives in Philadelphia where very cold and snow and sleet is normal, and my brother lives in Dallas where it’s bone-chilling cold. So when I complain about it being cold here in Northern California I don’t get much sympathy.  But feeling cold is a relative term really.  My in-laws live in tropical Kenya where it is warm all year, and to them temperatures in the 70s is cold!

No matter what temperature one feels cold at, what makes us all feel warm and toasty is a steaming bowl of soup 🍵. To all of you who are feeling cold out there, I am back to my Sunday Soup tradition 🍵 😋.  Starting tomorrow, every Sunday I will resume posting a Sunday soup recipe so we can all get back to giving our tummies a break and let it relax with a warm bowl of soup 🍵😊.

Life is Like a Soup

Life is like a soup.
Add a dash of happiness,
A pinch of anger,
A sprinkle of caring,
A smidgen of luck,
and a whole jar of love.

See you tomorrow with a soup recipe 🍵 .


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