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Freesias for Friends. Curbside Pickup

Good Friday to you all.  Today I want to share with you this idea I had for  a curbside pickup for my garden flowers. My freesias are continuing to bloom as March slowly moves onto April.  These flowers have put on a long flower show this year blooming from February onwards – over 6 weeks of nonstop flowers!  Over the last few weeks I’ve given away at least twenty bouquets to friends and my kid’s teachers and still have more freesias blooming.  It’s been such a joy to see how happy everyone is to receive these little freesia arrangements.

With all the uncertainty in the world with COVID and in our communities lately, flowers now more than ever bring joy and remembrance that beauty still exists all around us.  With this sentiment in mind I decided to make as many freesias bouquets as I could this past weekend and left them out on my curbside for walkers to pick up as they stroll by.  You see, I live on a very popular walking trail – dog-walkers, joggers, and families all enjoy walking on our street for its tree-lined beauty.

These photos show how many freesias were in bloom when I made my little bouquets this past weekend.

If my humble freesias brought a smile to my friends I hoped they would do the same for families as they walked by.  And so I left a basket of little freesia bouquets outside our driveway Monday morning with a sign that read “Freesias for Friends. Take One.”  

I was happy to see that by mid-day all but one little bouquet was picked up.  I found a lovely little note in my basket left by one of the joggers.

It was going to start raining soon and I decided to bring my basket in with the last little bouquet for myself 😊💐.

On a side note, I was working in the garden when I saw walkers and even cars stop to grab a little freesia bouquet, and I have to admit I was happy to see that everyone was being courteous and only took one bouquet for themselves. Such genuine consideration for others is what gives me faith that we will all be okay.

Be well, and continue to enjoy the beauty that is nature.  Have a good weekend everyone.

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