Site icon Surreyfarms. A serene haven in the foothills of Northern California

Solace and Serenity found in the Garden

It’s been a roller coaster of a weekend these past few days. Needless to say.  With so much uncertainty and new information coming our way on an hourly, almost minute by minute basis on the COVID-19 virus – it all seems so overwhelming and hard to comprehend at times.

I know all the extreme measures taken such as social distancing, school closures, restaurant and retail closures, and almost everything closing down for the next few weeks are all in an effort to keep us healthy and well, and my head understands the science and statistics behind it, but the heart makes me feel all-unnerving nonetheless.

All I wanted to do with all this happening is find comfort in my garden, but wouldn’t you know it, our weather decided to start raining out of the blue!  A whole month of dry sunny gorgeous weather and just when we are craving sunshine to cheer us up just a little, we got cloudy skies and lots of rain this past weekend.

We had been having one of the mildest winters in years in February and March. Our winter temperatures have been very mild in the 60s, 70s, and even 80s.  The temperatures have been so warm that when our weather folks tell us there is a cool down coming, they are talking 60s and 50s!  With all this warm temperatures the garden has started leafing out months early.  My rose bushes have already set bud; my bearded iris and Dutch iris that usually bloom in late April are already blooming.  I even have sweet peas giving me blooms in March! I’m loving it and was thinking that it would have been nice however to get more rain this winter.  Well, looks like our rainy season isn’t over yet.

Just to cheer you all up a little and to get your minds into looking forward to April and all things anew and spring, here are some pictures of my spring-like garden in February and March.

Bearded Iris

I absolutely love this bearded iris!  Such decadent colors in nature just blows my mind.

The stalk was so big it flopped over to the ground.  I brought it indoors to enjoy.  Such beautiful colors on this stunning bloom!

Electric Blue Dutch Iris


These single tulips from previous years have been reblooming every spring!


Around late January our local Trader Joe’s had brought in a shipment of glorious begonias. I generously bought a whole bunch to brighten up my winter garden.

Cyclamen, pansies and azaleas abloom


Stay safe, well and hydrated.
Wishing you a calm week ahead.

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