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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

On this very special Thanksgiving holiday I would like to take this opportunity to thank YOU. Thank you for reading what I write and giving your thoughts, likes and comments on my various posts. You are the best folks a blogger could as for – kind, generous, and always complimentary. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing group of people who read what I write. THANK YOU! I also want to take this opportunity to thank my friends who happily agree to share their recipes, photos and their stories with me here. You are the best friends a gal could ask for 😘❤️.

And to my family  – thank you for everything! Thank you for being my taste testers and cheerleaders . You like almost everything I make and give me the thumbs up 👍😋 to share recipes on my blog, and occassionaly you also give me a thumbs down 👎 😛 as in “not worthy of blogging.” For being my recipe guinea-pigs and for all your support and love, thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️.

I am surrounded by loving family, awesome friends, and all of you amazing people. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

As we celebrate this very special Thanksgiving holiday may I ask that we all send our positive thoughts and prayers for the victims of the California wildfires. It’s heartbreaking to hear of so many lost lives and thousands of victims of the most devestating wildfire in California’s history. With the holidays approaching what better time to help in anyway to support the families who have been displaced by the fires. Donate what you can at any of the multiple donation web sites set up for the this cause.  Please do your research and make sure your donation goes directly to the cause you are donating for. Here is a very informative article on how you can help the California wildfire victims from California Wildfires. Research before your Donate.

One of the organizations that especially interested me was The California Fire  The objective of this organization is very specific – Their mission is to provide victim assistance through it’s Supplying Aid to Victims of Emergency (SAVE) program which provides emergency short-term financial assistance to fire and natural disaster victims in California year-round for both firefighters and civilians. The SAVE program supports local affiliates and their fire departments by being on-site with thousands of SAVE Mastercard gift-cards. All $100 SAVE gift-cards are given to those suffering substantial property loss with immediate on-site assistance to wildfire victims.

And now onto a fun and lighter note. Ever wonder what it would be like to walk in one of the bazaars from the Arabian Nights?  I imagine this is what it would look like!  I would like to share these photos that Hitesh texted me from his recent business trip to the Middle East.  These photos were taken in Oman.

 “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy;
They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
— Marcel Proust

Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🍁🍂

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