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Friday Flowers. Remembering Masi

I hope you are having a good week and are looking forward to a lovely weekend.  For us, this week has been rather somber.  We found out earlier this week that my dear friend Nishma’s Mother-in-law whom we affectionately called Masi (Aunty) passed away.  

Masi was 90 years old and passed away peacefully surrounded by her family. Masi lived with my friend Nishma and her husband Kamal for almost 30 years, ever since Nishma got married.  Masi was a fixture in Nishma’s home and one could always see her sitting in the living room eagerly smiling and happy to say hi to any visitor or friend who stopped by.  

Although my acquaintance with Masi was through my friendship with Nishma and though we didn’t speak the same language, we somehow were able to communicate and over the years developed a genuine fondness for each other.  

In our family Masi will always be remembered as our Matriarch who was there for us when we needed a wise old sage to guide us.  The gesture that my entire family is forever grateful to Masi for is her indelible kindness and help when I had my twins over seventeen years ago.

I did a Mother’s Day blog a while back on the women that I remember fondly, and Masi is one of those dear ladies.  

After I had my twins I had only myself and Hitesh to rely on to take care of us as my Mom had already passed away, Hitesh’s mom was recovering from an accident, and I had no family locally who I could turn to for help. This is when Masi stepped up to help us, and between her and Nishma, or as I call them – Our Guardian Angels, they took care of us when we needed help the most.  

From the time I was in the hospital after giving birth and for two weeks after, Masi made a special lunch and dinner for me what she considered “New Mom’s Food” – Foods made to improve breast milk production, decrease constipation, help with post-partum issues, all the foods that only Grandma’s seem to know, recipes which have been passed down generation after generation.  Masi made  all theses foods for me while Nishma made the food for Hitesh and my Dad who was staying with us at that time.  Masi and Nishma worked hand in hand together to help us.  I naturally assumed I was special, that Masi did all this because she liked me 😊.  But in actuality as Nishma informed me, Masi provided this same level of help and care to all of Nishma’s young friends over the years.

At Masi’s 90th birthday celebration

Masi found her calling in helping new Moms.  She not only helped young Moms here at home but even flew across the country to visit her nieces, nephews, young cousins, and relatives when any of them had babies.  She would give them advice, cook, and to help take care of their newborns.  Masi did this tirelessly for many years until the time came a couple years back when dementia set in and she could barely remember the family around her.  

Sadly after she turned 90 this year her body also began to weaken, and after a life well-lived helping others,  Masi passed away quietly earlier this week.

Masi will be remembered for all the genuine assistance and guidance she gave the people around her, especially her family and the young group of women she was surrounded by.  We will always think of her fondly as Masi – our caring Aunty.

I’d like to dedicate this week’s Friday Flowers in loving memory of Masi.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend surrounded by the people you love. 🥰

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