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Spring Garden Ladies Lunch

Every year I host a Spring Garden Ladies Lunch for all my girlfriends.  It’s usually in late April or May depending on when the flowers are blooming at their peak.  Last year (2015) I hosted this event in mid April, earlier than I wanted to. Usually I like to host it closer to Mother’s Day, but last year all the flowers started blooming almost a month early.  That’s because we had a very mild winter. We hardly got any rain and the temperatures were in the mild 60s.  By April my entire garden was in full bloom; roses, iris, geraniums, pansies, lilies, begonias, azaleas, everything was blooming. I had to host the lunch before all the flowers finished their show.

As is with any large party, you pick a date and hope that everyone you invite can come, but invariably some folks can’t make it because of scheduling conflicts; but I still had a great turnout.  I think a party like this gives everyone a chance to mingle, hang out and relax together, have a wonderful lunch, and stroll in the garden.  A perfect way to celebrate spring!  Here are some pictures from the Spring Garden Ladies Lunch 2015.

Prepping for the party

Ladies ready to have a good time:

Lunch is served:

Lunch in the courtyard and in our kitchen.

Dessert buffet ready for some sweetness.

Strolling in the garden

Ending the afternoon with tea!

Spring Garden Ladies!

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