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Watermelon Salad with Apricot Vinaigrette

Apricots, watermelon and salad, a refreshingly simple and delicious salad presented in a different sort of way with watermelon on the side.

The inspiration

I had an interesting arugula and watermelon salad at Italian restaurant Stella AlPina Osteria in Burlingame, California a few weeks ago. What was unusual with this salad was the presentation. The chef had tossed the arugula salad in apricot vinaigrette and served the salad with a side of thick watermelon wedges.

I realized later that placing the watermelon on the side made perfect sense.

I have made watermelon salads before and I noticed that the moment the dressing hits the watermelon because of the salt in the dressing the watermelon releases so much water that the salad is swimming in watermelon juice and can look rather unsightly.  

Also, notice how the smaller the watermelon is cut, the more water gets released from the fruit? This presentation of placing a couple of thick watermelon wedges on the side of a salad is a very creative way to make a mouthwatering watermelon salad.

Watermelon Salad with Apricot Vinaigrette
makes 4 servings



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