Site icon Surreyfarms. A serene haven in the foothills of Northern California

Fried Green Pepper Egg Sandwich

I made a delicious egg sandwich for lunch the other day that looked so good that I took an impromptu photo of it, and then took a bite that was pure bliss for a super hungry gal like myself.  Caramelized shallots with some green bell peppers and shishito peppers all cooked together with eggs, and then sandwiched in-between toasted and buttered German farm bread, this sandwich is the kind of sandwich one sits down to savor each bite. Just add an apple to this lunch faire, a cup of tea or coffee, and you have the makings of perfectly simple, quick and delicious homemade lunch.

Fried Green Pepper Egg Sandwich



Don’t forget to have an apple with your lunch 🍎.  “An a apple a day keeps the doctor away.”  English proverb


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