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Sugar & Shallot Vinaigrette

Sugar?  In a vinaigrette? What?  Is that what you are thinking? This is a wonderfully sweet and light vinaigrette perfect on any salad.

About the recipe

I recently had a delectable lettuce salad that my friend Donna made with sweet sugar vinaigrette. Interestingly, sugar makes this vinaigrette very light, unlike honey, agave or maple syrup that can add extra color and flavor.

These days when so many of us are trying to minimize sugar in as many dishes as we can, to see old-fashioned sugar being used in a vinaigrette – it’s let’s just say – it’s sweet.

Sugar on the other hand just dissolves into the vinaigrette adding just a bit of sweetness that is very refreshing.  Try it!

Sweet Sugar & Shallot Vinaigrette
recipe courtesy of Donna



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