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Basbousa. Middle Eastern Semolina Cake

Basbousa is a Middle Eastern dessert that originated in Egypt.   Made with semolina and baked into cake this is a light and fluffy dessert that tastes wonderful with tea or coffee.

About the recipe

How did we come across this eclectic and delicious dessert called basbousa? It started when my daughter Anjali as part of her World History class’ final-graded project had to do a presentation on any world topic of her choice. Guess what topic she chose? The controversial Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

As part of her presentation Anjali wanted to make a Palestinian dessert that she could hand out in class. While researching Palestinian desserts Anjali came across basbousa.

What is Basbousa

Basbousa is a Middle Eastern dessert that originated in Egypt. So why did Anjali consider this a Palestinians dessert? While researching her topic she discovered that Palestinians live in many parts of the Middle East not just in Palestine and Jerusalem but also in countries such as Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iran and Jordan. Basbousa is usually made for celebratory occasions.

There are many variations of basbousa, Anjali chose this recipe Basbousa. Middle Eastern Semolina Cake on mainly because it looked very easy to make and the ingredients were simple.

Basbousa tastes very similar to halwa but is more of a cake consistency.  It’s very light and fluffy and tastes scrumptious 😋. Folks, this is an awesome recipe! Give it a try!

Basbousa. Middle Eastern Semolina Cake on


Here is a look at our basbousa making process

Pottery from Israel gifted by my cousin Uma from her business trip to Israel

The basbousa was devoured by the entire family and Anjali’s classmates loved it too! I even served it to our friends who had seconds and took some home as well!

Beautiful pottery plate from Turkey

Basbousa is a delicious sweet semolina cake that tastes great with a strong cup of coffee. Give it a try!

For complete instructions on how to make basbousa take a look at this link Basbousa. Middle Eastern Semolina Cake on

akl saeid fi filastin!

Happy Eating! in Palestinian Arabic.

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