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Purple Cabbage Tacos with Herbed Cream Cheese and Apples

Crunchy, sweet, salty, sour; healthy and delicious, these tacos will take care of all the flavor profiles in one dish. This vegetarian taco is not your typical taco but tastes great nonetheless. It combines crunchy fruit with garlicy veggies, sour pickles and cream cheese in a rather eclectic taco.  Unique and delicious, I hope you’ll give these tacos a try!

Okay, I have to admit I wasn’t sure how these tacos were going to turn out, I just knew I had to use purple cabbage as I had a lot in the refrigerator and I really wanted to figure out a creative recipe for this beautiful vegetable. I was also craving tacos.  I’ve made tacos with green cabbage and peppers before with great results so I took that as my cue and made something similar but this time made tacos with purple cabbage and played around with a few new toppings.

Here’s how I composed these purple cabbage tacos.  The main ingredients are purple cabbage and shishito peppers. Honestly shishitos are awesome peppers, I absolutely love them!  Shishito peppers add a fabulous mild chili heat and a unique smoky flavor to anything. If you can’t find shishito peppers, Padron peppers work just as well or any bell pepper of your choice.

The next flavor I was looking for is something cheesy. I was debating between queso fresca cheese and cheddar, but I wanted to try something creamy this time – like a goat cheese or a herby cream cheese. I ended up trying both and they both ended up tasting delicious in these tacos 👌😋!

The final two ingredients I added were something sweet and something sour, such as  apples and pickles.  Not only do apples give wonderful color and crunchy texture, they also give the tacos that unexpected sweetness. I strongly believe we eat with our eyes first and these apples add that “wow” look to these tacos, and pickles add that pop of vinegary tangy flavor.  I encourage you not to skip these two ingredients as they really make these tacos a cut above the ordinary.

With all these wonderful flavors working together you would think this is a complicated recipe to follow but really these are the easiest tacos to make. And the best part is that my whole family loved them! My Father included (and he can be picky!).

For delectable tacos packed with colorful veggies, sweet fruit, creamy cheese and tangy pickles, give these purple cabbage tacos a try!

Purple Cabbage Soft Tacos with Herbed Cream Cheese, Apples and Pickles
makes 10 soft tacos




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