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Parmigiano Reggiano Fettuccini

Gosh, when food is made with quality ingredients it really doesn’t need much by way of flavor enhancers. I didn’t even add any herbs to this parmesan pasta, just olive oil and garlic with salt and pepper. 

The inspiration

The twins Anjali and Rani brought back a bunch of Italian goodies from their school trip to Italy recently -Parmigiano reggiano cheese, balsamic vinegar, pasta, and honey infused with balsamic vinegar.  

The parmigiano reggiano cheese was amazingly delicious 😋 and tasted so good that Hitesh asked me to make a pasta with just the cheese, and I did!

Parmigiano Reggiano Fettuccini



To turn this delectable pasta into a delicious meal, I served it with a side of caprese salad and ended dinner with vanilla ice cream drizzled with thick balsamic vinegar that the kids had brought back from Bologna 😋.

Let’s eat! in Italian

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