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Roasted Veggie Enchiladas

In this recipe I’ve taken roasted veggies and stuffed them in cheesy enchiladas. Yum!

Can I just say I love, love, love roasted vegetables!

I love the way how caramelized, sweet, and nutty vegetables become when roasted. What roasting does to vegetables is something magical and I can’t get enough of them. In fact so much veggie flavor is enhanced in this process that I like to keep the herbs and spices to a minimum when cooking with roasted veggies.

I mean look at this photo?  Isn’t it a beautiful assortment of roasted veggies?

For my roasted veggie enchiladas I roasted a ton of veggies!

1 head of cauliflower florets, 2 large bell peppers, a bunch of radish, lots of carrots, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, some fingerling potatoes, and onions. Phew! That’s a lot of veggies!! The best part? These enchiladas taste amazing!

About the recipe

To make the enchiladas I used is my favorite green enchilada sauce by Las Palmas which comes in a can, and for extra hint of flavor I tossed the roasted veggies with garlic and red chili flakes, and then stuffed them with Mexican Queso Fresca cheese – that’s it.

You can use any cheese you like, I used queso fresca mainly because it has a mild fresh cheese flavor  – I basically added it for some cheesy flavor. You can also add cheddar, gruyere or monterey jack. For the most delicious veggie enchiladas packed with flavor, give this recipe a try!

Roasted Veggie Enchiladas
makes 20 overly stuffed enchiladas



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