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Warm Apple Ginger Cider

Warm apple ginger cider is a cider that is served during the winter months at our local bakery Manresa Bread here in Los Gatos, California. Their hot apple cider has to be my daughter Anjali’s all-time favorite drink.

Any time Hitesh stops by the bakery  he comes home with Manresa’s apple ginger cider for her. She could drink it all year long if only Manresa would sell it all-year round. But alas it is only available in the winter months. So what does Anjali do the rest of the year when she craves apple ginger cider? I make it at home. With warming fresh ginger, slices of fresh orange, and sweet cinnamon  – apple ginger cider is the perfect drink on a cool afternoon at any time of the year.  Give it a try!

Warm Apple Ginger Cider
makes 4 mugs



Cook’s Notes: Adjust the ginger and orange slices according to your taste. Add more or less ginger depending on how “spicy” you want the cider.  Orange slices melow out the sweetness of the apple juice. We noticed that without the orange slices the apple cider can be a little too sweet.

Sipping Cider with My Sweetheart
by Phillip Garcia on

“Sipping warm-apple cider, neither one of us spoke
as we imagined, in tandem, our journey to endless unknowns,
both so mesmerized by possibility’s euphoric beauty.”


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