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Crustless Mushroom Quiche

Happy Easter! 

For those of you who may be having a quiet Sunday and want to celebrate Easter with a simple brunch I wanted to share an egg-based recipe today. Mushroom crustless quiche is a great way to have eggs that taste just a little more decadent.  Made with a generous amount of mushrooms, cheese, fresh herbs and eggs, this baked dish puffs up golden brown and tastes warm and delicious.  Have it with a simple salad and a Greek yogurt granola parfait and this brunch is sure to feel extra special.

This crustless quiche was an outcome when I ended up making too much stuffing for a regular mushroom quiche. The quiche mixture was supposed to be for two pies, but I added too much salt which forced me to add extra eggs and milk and I ended up with enough egg mixture for a third quiche. Rather than make a third mushroom pie I decided to make a crustless quiche instead.

To make the crustless quiche all I did is add some butter at the bottom of a baking dish, this prevents the egg mixture from sticking to the pan, then baked the egg mixture for 20 minutes. The crustless quiche or you can even call it a frittata turned out beautiful. It was puffy, golden, and delicious. But unlike a regular quiche which can be served at room temperature or can be make in advance, crustless quiche tastes best when eaten right away straight out of the oven all warm and fluffy.

Crustless Mushroom Quiche





The Easter Flower
by Claude McKay

Far from this foreign Easter damp and chilly 
My soul steals to a pear-shaped plot of ground, 
Where gleamed the lilac-tinted Easter lily 
Soft-scented in the air for yards around; 

Alone, without a hint of guardian leaf! 
Just like a fragile bell of silver rime, 
It burst the tomb for freedom sweet and brief 
In the young pregnant year at Eastertime; 

And many thought it was a sacred sign, 
And some called it the resurrection flower; 
And I, worshiped at its shrine, 
Yielding my heart unto its perfumed power.


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