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Nut and Super Seeds Energy Bar Truffles

These protein-bar truffles actually look like chocolate truffles making them even more appealing and fun to eat. Positively a powerhouse of a snack this is.

The back story

Usually, I would never have given a second thought to making energy bars or protein bars at home, it’s not something I think of replicating in my kitchen. 

I got the idea for making protein packed energy bars from our friend Aaron. One day we were talking healthy snacks when he told me he had been trying unsuccessfully to make an energy bar at home.  Energy bar at home? And that too Aaron making it?  I did a double take.

Aaron said he had been trying to make an energy bar of sorts with almond meal, raisins, and cocoa powder and he was still figuring out how to get the texture right.

You see his “energy bar” was very sticky in the mouth – almost like a peanut butter.  He said he added water but that didn’t help. He even tried baking the mixture but it turned out too hard and not edible.

We got to talking about how we could make the texture better and bounced around ideas such as adding applesauce and bananas, or coconut oil.  But in the end I promised him I would try and make an energy bar at home, and if it turned out good, share the recipe.

Nut based energy bar truffles

Guess what folks? I made energy bars in my home kitchen and they turned out great 😋. I shaped them into truffles hence the name energy bar truffles. I was so surprised at how delicious they tasted.  

Nuts, super seeds, cocoa and honey

The ingredients in these truffles are all-natural good for you stuff. It has walnuts, almonds, unsweetened shredded coconut, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax meal, raisins, cardamom, unsweetened cocoa powder, honey, and coconut oil.

Just mix in a food processor and roll into truffles

I know the ingredient list seems long, but when you consider that all you do is mix it together in the food processor and role into truffles – why wouldn’t you make such a healthy snack?

Honey the sweetener of choice

No matter how healthy these truffles are, they have to taste good, so these truffles do have honey to add a bit of sweetness.  If you don’t have a sweet tooth like I do, try making these truffles without the honey, or adjust the honey quantity down according to your sweetness level.  Here is the recipe.

Cocoa & Cardamom Nut & Super Seeds Protein-bar Truffles



In a shallow pan dry roast the almond meal for 5 minutes until it loses its raw almond flavor and becomes a little coarser. Transfer to a large mixing bowl.

In a food processor pulse together walnuts and raisins until they form a coarse meal.  Add this to the almond meal.

Next add shredded coconut, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seed meal, cocoa powder, and cardamom powder.  Mix ingredients together until well blended.

Add coconut oil and honey and mix into the nut mixture until it forms thick crumbly dough.

Place parchment paper on a baking sheet.  Get ready to make the truffles. If you find the dough is too crumbly to bind together, place the mixture in the microwave for 30 seconds.  This slightly releases the oils in the nuts making it easier to form truffles.

After the truffles are rolled out, you can coat some of the truffles with shredded coconut or dust them with cocoa powder.

Nut and super seed truffles are ready!

Store in an airtight container for up to a month in a cool dry pantry.

The possibilities are many

Once you get the hang of this recipe, the possibilities are endless.  I will post a couple other flavors of these nut and super seed truffles that I made with cinnamon and dried cherries, and one with saffron.

Next time you and your kids get a snack attack in the late afternoon, reach for these nut and super seed truffles for a protein packed energy boost.

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