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Raita. Indian Yogurt Side Dish with Tomatoes and Onions

Raita, an Indian yogurt side dish is very popular in our house.  It’s basically yogurt with raw vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, cilantro and cucumbers along with some spices.  

Raita many ways

In many Indian households raita is served to soothe the palatte when the main Indian meal is too spicy, as the yogurt raita helps to neutralize the heat of chili.

There are many variations of raita. I’ve made raita with chopped spinach and onions, a variation with grated cucumbers and cilantro, one with shredded carrots and green onions, the possibilities are endless.

Many Indian restaurants serve a simple raita made with yogurt and raw vegetables. This variation of raita can be made in an instant. Just mix yogurt with raw vegetables and a pinch of salt and pepper. Add 1/2 tsp cumin powder and mix-into yogurt to make a delicious raita in just minutes.

Here I would like to share a South Indian variation of raita with toasted mustard seeds, asafetida, tomatoes and onions.

Tomato and Onion Raita with toasted Mustard seeds and asafetida



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