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Chai. Indian Spiced Tea

Indian chai also called masala chai is black tea brewed with milk, sugar and a complex blend of herbs and spices.


Typical chai spices consist of cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, and cloves. These spices are known to create a warming soothing effect and act as a natural digestive aid.

Many versions of chai

Each region of India has their own variation of chai with every family having their own chai formula.

In the Northern regions chai is made with fresh grated ginger and green cardamom pods boiled together with milk, black tea and sugar.

While in the Western region of India in Gujarat they make chai with a custom chai spice blend. Some folks even add fresh herbs such as mint leaves and lemongrass as their flavoring agents. Any combination of fresh herbs and spices can be used to make chai.

How to make chai

The method for making Indian chai is a very specific one. Water, black tea, milk, and spices are boiled together to bring out all the flavors. It has to have sugar – and plenty of it. In my opinion chai might as well be a tea dessert because honestly Indian chai doesn’t taste the same without the sugar.

In my husband’s Gujarati family drinking chai is like Americans drinking coffee – HAVE TO HAVE IT EVERY DAY!  My Father-in-law drinks cups and cups of chai on any given day. Two cups in the morning, two in the afternoon, and two cups at night. With their own family chai spice-blend, learning how to make chai in Hitesh’s family is almost a rite of passage.

Making chai – a family’s “must know”

After I got married one of the first things I learnt how to make from my Mom-in-law – Usha is how to brew chai. Here is a recipe for making chai the way my Mom-in-law taught me years ago.

How to make Indian chai
This recipe makes 4 cups of chai.



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