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Fresh Ginger Honey Black Tea

This tea recipe is for a ginger honey tea made with black tea and milk. Honey sweet, gingery spicy; with the pick me up of black tea made all creamy with whole milk. You might as well call this a ginger honey dessert tea!

About the recipe

This is a wonderful recipe I learnt from my Aunty Shashi who visited me here in Northern California recently.  She asked me to make her a good cup of tea one afternoon, the type of black tea that is made like chai where tea leaves are boiled together with milk and sugar.  

In her variation she asked that I brew the tea with lots of fresh ginger, then add milk and bring to a boil.  Honey is then drizzled in mugs and the tea is strained into each mug. Its okay to go heavy on the honey, the sweeter the better!

The spicy taste and aroma of fresh ginger

For the tea to taste great it has to be made with fresh ginger. Powdered ginger just wont do this time.  And you want to be generous with the fresh ginger.  It’s the unmistakable fresh ginger fragrance and taste that you want in this tea.

On the topic of fresh ginger, crushed or grated partakes more flavor than chopped

Shashi Aunty commented that my ginger tea had a much stronger ginger flavor than what she makes back home, and observed that I grated/crushed my ginger, while she always added sliced ginger in her tea.  

Crushing or grating the ginger gives off so much more ginger flavor. So go ahead and use a mortar and pistil to get a nice juicy ginger meal or grate it for that extra strong boost of ginger flavor.   Oh, and no need to remove the skin either, grate or crush with the skin.

No cardamom, nutmeg, or cinnamon as is usually included in traditional chai, just the pure simple flavors of fresh ginger, black tea, milk, and honey.  Give it a try!

Fresh Ginger Honey Black Tea
makes 2 mugs of tea



Ginger Tea to Your Health ☕️❤️

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