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Roasted Beets and Baby Spinach Salad

The sweetness of beets with a garlicky flavor combined with sour vinaigrette and topped with creamy goat cheese – yummy this salad is – and thats’ coming from a person whose least favorite veggie is beets.

When I made this beet salad the only takers were Hitesh and me (I made it which means I had to try it). Rani our salad kid tried it too, and I have to say we absolutely loved it! 

What makes this beet salad taste so good is the addition of garlic when roasting and the vinaigrette to marinate the veggies. Marinating the roasted beets in the vinaigrette mellows out the beet flavor while also adding a nice tang to the beets. Marinated beets can be served as a side dish or simply add baby spinach to make a leafy green Roasted Beets and Baby Spinach Salad.

Seriously folks, except for Hitesh our entire family hates beets – actually hate is a strong word – we don’t like beets.  So for all of us to clean this beet salad out completely and not leave anything behind, you know it was delicious! Give it a try!

Beautiful orange and red beets at the farmer’s market.


Roasted Beets and Baby Spinach Salad with Shallot Vinaigrette & Goat Cheese
makes 4-6 servings





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