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Saag Sabjee. Greens Curry

This Indian dish made with a variety of greens is one of the easiest curries to make. Cook the veggies and blend until creamy then serve with rice or chapati. It’s that easy.

About the recipe

Hitesh’s big birthday was back in end of February, and he didn’t want any celebration of any kind for this milestone birthday. Which meant that I had to celebrate it 😀 We had a surprise party for him and as a few of you may know, pulling off a surprise party is tough. But somehow we managed it with the help of our dear friends Swati and Tarak who hosted the birthday celebration at their home.

To make this party a very personal and heartfelt celebration for Hitesh, I asked all our friends (the ladies in the bunch) to bring their favorite dish that they knew he liked.

This was the perfect birthday celebration for a guy like Hitesh – who loves good food and great company.

What we ended up with at this dinner was an amazing variety of food from all corners of India.  There was Indian food from Gujarat in western India, from Tamilnadu in southern India, from UP in northern India, from Mangalore from southwest India, and everything in between, and lets not forget cake from right here in U.S. of A.

These wonderful ladies took a lot of time and effort to make some of the most delectable Indian foods.

Saag Sabjee. Greens Curry

One of the dishes at the party was a curry made with greens and potatoes that our friend Pallavi brought for this special celebration.

Here is the email Pallavi sent me before the party:  

“Kalpana, I am actually planning to make an amazing Saag sabjee with Mustard greens, Arugula, Broccoli, Baby Turnip, Red Onions, Tomatoes, Ginger, Green Chilies and probably either potatoes or paneer for Hitesh’s Bday. It will also have Indian seasonings.  I have already done the prep work for this.   See you on Saturday.  Pallavi”

I ask you, when you see an email like this, doesn’t it get you curious? I couldn’t wait for Saturday to try this curry.  Pallavi’s Saag Sabjee was a hit, I heard others asking her for the recipe.

I told Pallavi I would love to post this recipe, that way everyone can make this super healthy scrumptious super greens curry, and she graciously shared it with me.

Saag Sabjee with Mustard greens, Arugula, Broccoli, Baby Turnip, Red Onions, Spinach, Tomatoes, Ginger, Green Chilies and Potatoes
Recipe courtesy of Pallavi
Serves 8-10



Let me end this recipe with a few more pics of this fun birthday dinner for Hitesh.

A very special thank you to all the ladies who took the time and effort to make this delectable feast for the celebration!

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