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Tomato Onion Gotsu. South Indian Tamil Tomato Sauce

Gotsu is saucy gravy made in South Indian Tamil homes to accompany rice dish called pongal. Gotsu is a quick salsa like sauce that can be had with any main dish.

About the recipe

This tomato onion gotsu is one that my Mom used to make to accompany a lentil and rice risotto called pongal.  Mom’s simple rice pongal along with her tomato gotsu were always a hit in our home and was truly comfort food.   Soft rice and lentil risotto style served all warm with melted ghee with a side of tomato gotsu would make us feel warm and cozy inside.

One can serve gotsu warm or at room temperature over your favorite rice dish, or even over chicken or fish. For a simple and quick tomato and onion gotsu give this recipe a try.

Tomato Onion Gotsu



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