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Swiss Chard, Leek and Zucchini Risotto

Leeks and zucchini in a creamy risotto rice enhanced with goat cheese, this is one scrumptious risotto.

About the recipe

Yummy, yummy, yummy is how I describe this delicious risotto 😋. I made this leek, zucchini and Swiss chard risotto specifically for my daughter Anjali who doesn’t like mushrooms, and since I was making mushroom risotto for my other twin Rani, I had to make something for Anjali, and this chard, leek zucchini risotto was the one.

My daughter Anjali doesn’t like mushrooms. She says she gets a gag reaction and she doesn’t like the flavor or smell of them. Its hard for me to make her eat it when she has such a strong reaction to them. On occasion when I make a mushroom dish I also try to make an alternative. Hence this risotto for Anjali with leeks, Swiss chard and zucchini.

Leeks, zucchini and Swiss chard a harmonious combo

Leeks, zucchini and Swiss chard work so harmoniously together that this has become my new favorite risotto,  Leeks add that delicate oniony flavor, while zucchini adds a mild veggie bite, and Swiss chard gives the risotto these lovely green colored ribbons, and you know it’s good for you too 😊.  

Goat cheese for a creamy tangy flavor

And I have to say folks, goat cheese is AMAZING in this risotto!  Usually I add Parmesan cheese to get that creamy cheesy flavor, but this time I opted for goat cheese for a milder tangy cheese that wouldn’t overpower the delicate green veggies.

What really makes this risotto a cut above the rest is goat cheese! Seriously folks, goat cheese adds such a fresh, tangy creaminess to the risotto that I am hooked on it now and have actually relegated the tried and true Parmesan Cheese to the side table 😃.

In fact, I added it to Rani’s mushroom risotto too and it did the same magic in there as well! As my eldest daughter Sri remarked, “Did you add goat cheese in the mushroom risotto? I got a bite that hadn’t melted and it adds a nice burst of flavor.”  She recommended that I fold in the goat cheese the next time so it didn’t melt completely, this way folks get a little surprise goat cheese here and there. Now let me share this awesomely delicious leek, Swiss chard and zucchini risotto.

Leek, Swiss Chard and Zucchini Risotto



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