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Saffron Pistachio Ice Cream

Saffron pistachio ice cream is a classic ice cream flavor in India called Kesar Pista, which translates to Saffron Pistachio. A delicious flavor combination that’s perfect after a decadent Indian meal.

About the recipe

Used to be I could only find this flavor at Indian grocery stores or at Indian restaurants and ice cream parlors. But now  with my easy to use ice cream maker, making Saffron Pistachio Ice Cream at home has become a breeze.  The twins and I love making new and creative ice cream flavors over the hot summer months and this is one flavor combo that I wanted them to try.

Saffron, honey, toasted pistachios a winning combination

This insanely popular ice cream flavor called kesar pista which means saffron pistachio is by far the most requested ice cream flavor in India. What makes it so delicious is the delicate saffron flavor along with the crunch of toasted pistachios. A sweet, creamy fragrant ice cream that’s truly a hit in any Indian home.

Saffron Pistachio Ice Cream
makes 6-8 scoops



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