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Spinach and Swiss Chard Rice

Looking for a delicious rice dish loaded with good for you super greens such as spinach and Swiss chard? Look no more. Here is a rice pilaf that is positively scrumptious that you’ll be having bowls full.

About the recipe

Made with over 10 cups of super greens – that’s 6 cups of spinach and 4 -5 cups of Swiss chard – over 10 cups of super greens in this rice dish! The recipe couldn’t be any easier – toast a few spices with shredded coconut, sauté super greens with onions, and combine them all with fluffy rice. Simple, easy, and delicious. Give it a try!

I picked up this spinach rice recipe from my friend Veena who brought it for a lunch I hosted couple weeks ago.  Veena made her rice pilaf with home grown greens from her vegetable garden🌿🌿🌱!  Naturally this rice pilaf tasted extra special.

Flavored with toasted spices and onions, and garnished with roasted peanuts Veena’s spinach and Swiss chard pilaf was the perfect main course for a variety of side accompaniments.

Lunch with friends.

Friends Shalini, Padmini and her parents joined us too and we had a delicious vegetarian meal with everyone contributing to our lunch menu.

Table is set for a scrumptious meal.

Sitting down for a gourmet vegetarian lunch.

On the Menu:
Creamy Squash Soup – me
Spinach and Swiss Chard Rice – Veena
Cauliflower curry – me
Paneer and Pepper Curry – Padmini
Eggplant Yogurt Raita – Shalini

For Dessert:
Fresh fruit and tea – me
Jam bars and madeilines – home made by friends Rose and Karen

Flowers for the flower lover 💐

Friends gifted the most beautiful flowers, home grown veggie seedlings and plants. They know me well! I can never have too many flowers or plants 😀💐🌷🌹🌿🌻🌸!

Here is a recipe for a delicious and healthy spinach and Swiss chard rice loaded with good for you super greens, courtesy of my friend Veena.

Spinach and Swiss Chard Rice
recipe contributed by Veena



Bon Appétit!

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