Afternoon Tea with Friends and a Walk in Daughter Sridevi’s Garden 🌿

Hello and Happy Friday! I hope you had a good week and are looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Today I’d like to share pics from a tea gathering my daughter Sridevi hosted for me and two of my good friends.

Friday afternoon relaxation

It was Friday afternoon when we went for tea and a tour of Sri’s garden last week. Food, friends, family and relaxing in her sun kissed garden surrounded by flowers. The perfect way to end the week 🥰 .

Tea affaire. A menu worth replicating

You know, I do get a hankering for something to eat around 3pm and this teatime menu took care of that craving perfectly. With a couple of savory treats and couple of sweet treats, this was the perfect teatime light affaire.

Teatime Menu at Sri and Pranav’s

Onion Tart with herbs from the garden – Sri
Simple Tossed Green Salad with White Balsamic, Olive Oil, Salt and Pepper – Me
Fresh Strawberry Cobbler with Whipped Cream and Pistachio Ice cream – Donna
Cranberry Scones – Rose
Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Brownies – Rose

Everything tasted phenomenal

The onion tart was made from fresh onions grown by Sri. Fresh strawberry cobbler made by Donna tasted like summer on a plate 🍓. Scones and salted caramel brownies from a gourmet baker like Rose were outstanding. Seriously how spoilt did we feel!

I will post the recipes for the onion tart and the strawberry cobbler soon. Recipe links for the scones and brownies are at then end of this story 😋🥰.

Early summer tour of Sri’s garden.
Roses as far as the eye can see 💐🌹

Climbing roses thriving and flooded with blooms

Sri’s Veggie Garden. Her Pride and Joy

Sri has become an avid vegetable gardener! Subscribing to gardening blogs, forums, and has even started growing all her veggie plants from seeds. She has become veggie garden obsessed 😃. Her homegrown veggies are a treat and unparalleled in flavor.

Herbs, tomatoes, okra, cucumber, peppers, eggplant, leeks, onions, garlic, zucchini, carrots, and more. I’ve lost track of what veggies she’s growing, I just know she has an artistic way of making the usual messy veggie patch look beautiful 🥰.

Strawberries getting coddled

Strawberries as they start ripening are a treat for critters, making it impossible to eat one yourself. To protect the strawberry fruits so she can enjoy them herself, she’s covered the fruit clusters in little jewelry bags 😃.

Friday afternoon tea and a tour of a beautiful garden. Perfect ending to the week 🥰.

I hope you enjoyed Sri’s early summer tour of her garden

I’ll give you an update on Sri’s garden later in the summer when her veggies start getting harvested. I’d like to end this post with one of Sri’s latest paintings featuring a garden scene with Mother and daughter 💕.

Happy Weekend Everyone 🌿!

9 thoughts on “Afternoon Tea with Friends and a Walk in Daughter Sridevi’s Garden 🌿”

  1. Lovely afternoon with friends. What a beautiful garden, Sridevi sure has a green thumb👍❤️

    1. Thank you so much! Haha yes she is following in my gardening footsteps! Which is crazy because growing up she rarely stepped out to help me in the garden 😃. I guess all those years of watching her Mama putzing around in the garden rubbed off on her afterall 🥰!

  2. Wow..Dolly surely this garden is lovely and she has your green hands as well with the. Veggies and flowers. In two years its such a transformation.

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