September in Paris. Off the Beaten Path

Hello and Happy Tuesday! Wishing you a fabulous week ahead! I am happy to be home after a wonderful fall holiday in Paris, France last week.

Yes that’s right! I was in Paris, France last week!

Hitesh had a bunch of customer meetings last week in Paris and I thought why not tag along? We arrived on the weekend and got to spend a couple days exploring the city together.

We even did some window shopping together ❤️.

Then during the week while Hitesh was in customer meetings, I explored Paris on my own.

I clocked over 11,000 steps each day!

It was a glorious time in Paris with beautiful cool fall-like weather and fewer tourists.

It even rained a few days but I went prepared with my raincoat and umbrella ☔️😊.

Off the beaten path museums

I had planned on seeing the most popular museums in Paris – the Louvre and Musee Do’rsay but then ended up doing something totally different! As I strolled the neighborhoods around Paris I stumbled upon a few smaller off the beaten path museums that looked very interesting.

Dior La Galerie and Museum, Musee Yves Saint Laurent Paris , Rodin Museum and Palai Galleira. Musee de la Mode de la Ville Paris

I visited the Dior Le Galerie, the YSL Museum, the Rodin Museum, and Palai Galliera – Fashion through the ages in Paris. All these museums were amazing! I got to see the history of the fashion industry in Paris, and also learnt about the history of its world renowned designers.

I even visited a museum focused just on Rodin and his amazing sculpture pieces.

Ate at brasseries, cafes and even met a couple of artists!

Met an American artist at dinner 🎨

“One evening Hitesh and I had dinner at a hip pizza joint called Doroco. Like any restaurant in Paris, we were squeezed into a tiny table for two. To one side of us arrived a lady who sat down and smiled. She then saw what we ordered and asked us what’s good on the menu. We told her the pizza for sure.

Since she was sitting alone, she was chatty and looking to make conversation and being in Paris – I too was in a chatty mood to talk to strangers LOL.

As it turns out she is an American artist who comes to Paris every year to paint. She rents an apartment and stays for 3 months and paints. Then goes back to her regular job as an educational consultant back in Chicago! What a way to live your life!

I asked her what type of art she creates? She does paintings with oil and acrylic. Then I told her about my daughter Sridevi and how she is an artist too. And we shared stories and bonded over our mutual love of art.

I also asked her of any cool recommendations in Paris? She suggested the gardens at the Rodin Museum and the gardens at Le Petit Palace. I made it to the Rodin Museum but it rained the day I had planned to visit the Palace garden. Next time!”

Chatting up strangers at a cafe outside Rodin Museum and met an artist 🎨

After a tour of Rodin’s museum I was ready for a cup of coffee and wouldn’t you know it, right outside the museum on the corner was a little cafe appropriately called Musee Cafe! I sat down and ordered a latte.

“Then two French ladies sat right next to me chatting away excitedly and looking over what looked like an invitation. It was a beautiful painted card with flowers and you know me and flowers 🌷 ! I chatted up with the ladies and admired the invitation.

To which they excitedly explained that it was an invitation to the largest gathering of flea markets on the out skirts of Paris where all the flea markets come together once a year for a flea market like no other.

Anything from 18th century antiques to 20th century china ware are sold here. It seems celebrities, politicians and average people show up to this coveted one weekend only Parisian flea market.

It has become so popular now that security is tight and has become an “invitation only” event.

One of the ladies was a chair artist who designs chairs and had three coveted invitations. She offered me one invitation! And like an idiot I told her I wouldn’t be in town in late October. I should have taken the invitation as a keepsake!”

When in Paris …

I tell you folks I don’t think I’ve ever been anywhere in the world with so many restaurants, cafes, shops, museums, and streets overflowing with patisseries, chocolatiers and even perfumeries. When in Paris … stroll the city to discover something around every corner.

Paris is like a mini Disneyland – except here it’s all real

Paris truly is a magical place where a tourist can get lost on the streets of the city and stumble upon a gem of museum, a store here, one there, anything you can think of there is a little boutique that caters to your interest. You just have to walk the streets of Paris to discover them all.

Fall in Paris a magical time to visit 🍂

Musee Yves St Laurent, Paris

La Galerie Dior and Museum

Musee Rodin

Palai Galleira. Musee de la Mode de la Ville Paris

Hope your’e having a fabulous September.
Happy Tuesday!

13 thoughts on “September in Paris. Off the Beaten Path”

    1. Thank you Joji ! Yes I had the luxury of checking out some off the beaten path sites, especially as I had been to Paris before and already seen the major sites. It was a fabulous fall holiday in Paris

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